Policy Brief number 1, for November 2021 is now published.
POLICY RECOMMENDATION: The EU deepening further integration in order to go back to its starting position of strengthening unity and dividing responsibility for promoting European values, equally for Member States as well as for the candidate countries.
From the early beginnings of the three European Communities, integration among its Member States was conceived as a process, not as a stable construct, yet without clear idea where this process was headed. Only with the vague notion of “…ever closer union among the peoples of Europe…” A few things become abundantly clear if we follow historical survey of EU reform processes: first, that these reforms are all aimed either at correcting flaws in the Union’s design or at finally completing its original, but unrealized promises. When debating contemporary reforms of the EU, there are two primary issues for Member States to solve: the method and the scope of reforms.
At the end, it is easy to conclude that many EU policies are under reform process. But, we should never forget such achievements as are peace among European powers, the development of human rights and democratic values, and forming a Single Market or a Common Currency. If we look at all the crises, but also all the accomplishments that came after them, it seems overly confident to write off the European Union. The future of the European Union will certainly consist of a political compromise, because it was created and developed in exactly this way.
You can read the full Policy Brief HERE.