Final guest lecture by professor Kong Tianping

On May 20, professor Kong Tianping from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, gave an online guest lecture, titled “Global Changes and Relations between China and the West Balkans”

Student taking the International Economics course (undergraduate), organized by professor Danijela Jacimovic, had the opportunity to hear interesting insights regarding the relevant topics of the relations between China and the Western Balkans.

Kong 1 22 min

In the lecture, professor Kong highlighted the several dimensions that are specific to the relations between the Western Balkan studies, such as the bilateral relations and China-CEEC relations. The second dimension is complimentary to the bilateral relations, taking into account the so-called 17+1 framework, which the Western Balkan countries are a part of. Professor Kong stated that China supports the European integrations and that the interests of the all three entitie – Western Balkans, EU and China, are compatible.

This lecture was the final guest lecture organized in the summer semester in the school year 2021/22.

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