Teacher responsible: Prof. dr Danijela Jaćimović
Instructor: Sunčica Rogić
This course is compulsory on the BSc and is available on the undergraduate program: Economics.
Course content:
The course will provide an opportunity to students gain understanding and reflect critically upon some of the most topical issues that currently confront international economic relations. The topics that will be covered are: theories and policies of international trade, international capital flows, borrowing and adjustment in the world economy, monetary and exchange rate policy, and integration economics. The basic aim of the module, that will be integral part of course International Economics, is to introduce integration theory and practice, with specific attention on European integration process and to answer the many questions students have about EU economics. The special focus will be on implications of offered topics on EU as a global actor.
Teaching: 15 hours of lectures and 20 hours of seminars.
Module outcomes:
- Understand designs that lead to increase international and regional integration and arguments for disintegrations.
- Discuss nature and implications of current EU affairs;
- Strengthen the capacity of the module participants to integrate appropriately the knowledge about the EU integration topics into their professional career decisions;
- Increase competence of EU integration topics, contributing towards broadening knowledge about the EU integration of Montenegro;
- Develop analytical skills that will help them to theoretical knowledge and practical application analysis cheeks problems in the international economy.
The course will be combination of lectures, discussions and students’ short papers, presentations and summaries, with the a special focus on module topics. Some or all of this teaching will be delivered through a combination of online lectures and in-person classes/classes delivered online. The PPT of lectures will be uploaded before the classes and the students are requested to familiarize with them and to prepare questions for the discussion in classes. The teaching will be supported by the guest lecturing from the Tepsa network and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
The module literature will be classical textbooks on EU economic integration accompanied with specialized papers (The Economist, Finance and Development, New York Times and itc) on economic integration subjects and appropriate power point presentations will be applied. Guest lecturers will be invited to the class. The students should focus and recommended textbooks and recommended journal articles